Port Jefferson NY.
7th Annual Fall Foliage Tour

Port Jefferson NY.

Hotel and more pictures coming soon!

Morgan Park (Sun Lunch) The Breakers & Scream Park (Sat Night)

Live the Dream at this years Fall Tour

Come Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the DeLorean at Fall Tour VII

Port Jefferson Harbor

Ferry Arriving at Port Jefferson

Ultimate Gull Wing Door

Lunch at The Steam Room rain or shine (The roof is retractable based on weather)

Steam Room Indoor Dinning

Steam room menu

Have it your way! From burger and fries to Twin Lobster and Champagne at the Steam Room

EZ to order at the Steam Room

This was the $19.95 twin lobster special (personal note: the forth lobster I ate was every bit as delicious as the first) hmmmm. Lobster

Steam Room PT Jeff with roof retracted (open) on a sunny day.

Port Jefferson Docks

DeLorean Life Style In Port Jeffeferson. Fall Tour VII will have you "Living the Dream"!

Too much to do and see in PT Jeff. Looks like a great place for another DeLorean event.

This is how the local people park their vehicles in Pt. Jeff

Watch out for the Car Eating Ferry known to live in these waters.

Dave T. will do the greatest torsion bar door adjustment of all time! He will need 50- 75 volunteers to hold the breaker bar.

You have to have a clock tower at a DeLorean Event

I think I am going to fill up at home